Virtual Interviews: A Growing Trend


As organizations transition into a post-COVID world, virtual interviews will continue to play an imperative role in recruitment.

Over the past few months, COVID-19 has challenged the limits of life as we know it. In a time where everything is uncertain, the only aspect that does remain certain is that “the show must go on.” In the recent weeks, there have been temporary hiring freezes enacted across numerous companies in a variety of industries. Many internship programs were cancelled or reduced in length, leaving college students concerned about their ability to gain professional experience before their upcoming graduations.

As society adjusts to a “new normal”, the health of employees will remain the essential priority, but hiring decisions will start being made again. Even though measures have been taken to slow the spread of the virus, most organizations that have been able to adopt work from home policies will continue to implement them for the safety of their non-essential employees. For recruiters and hiring managers, this means that they will be relying on teleconferencing and videoconferencing software to conduct virtual interviews with candidates more than they ever have before.

As student opportunities, including internships and part-time positions, are limited at this time, there will inevitably be a higher volume of applicants for open roles. Additionally, with many organizations opting to onboard employees remotely, the location factor may no longer be a constraint in the application pool. In order to maximize your chances of successfully completing a job search, nailing virtual interviews will be your best chance at making a lasting impression.


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