
“The professionalism and poise shown by Sophia is unmatched by any student I've met. She clearly and succinctly explains how to use your LinkedIn profile as a personal branding tool to network with individuals and apply for jobs. Just a few weeks after working with Sophia I've gotten multiple comments from friends and family complimenting my new LinkedIn profile, and have successfully networked with multiple high-net worth individuals that have mentioned my profile as a reason for responding to my cold message.”

- Yehuda W. (Baruch College ‘21)

“I really appreciate Sophia's feedback on my resume. She responded quickly with very helpful comments. I liked that she didn't tell me what I "should do" but rather, what I "should consider doing." I found that approach to very encouraging. I will definitely reach out to Sophia for advice and assistance in the future!”

- Emma S. (University of Massachusetts ‘19)

“Sophia helped me a lot with organizing my thoughts and helping me understand what my ultimate goals are. Afterwards we went about creating a schedule for myself and it helped me realize just how many things I do weekly that don’t contribute to my ultimate goals. I now know how to organize my time better and be more efficient, while still finding more time to enjoy myself.”

- Michael G. (Baruch College ‘19)

“For a class assignment, I had to do a mock interview and I was stressing about it a lot. I didn’t know what to do, so I reached out to Sophia. She helped me to relax about the mock interview, walked through my résumé to better understand my experience, and pointed out some key points that I have to change which helped me a lot and made me realize what was missing. We went over the mock interview questions together, and she asked me some extra questions to make me think about my answers. She gave me so much advice and tricks that I can use in future interviews. My mock interview went so well because of her and I appreciate her.”

— Sandra S. (LIM College ‘22)

“Sophia helped me create my LinkedIn and shape my résumé to look as genuine and professional as possible. Her determined work ethic and drive motivated me to start taking myself step by step moving toward my career goals. Her unmatched confidence and humbleness truly define who she is; an amazing soul who wants to understand all of her clients' situations and set them on a path of success.”

— Matthew M. (Baruch College ‘22)

“Having Sophia edit my personal statement and experiences for my med school applications was truly one of the best decisions I could’ve made and I wished I asked her sooner. When I initially sent over my writing, she took the time out to read it on her own and make comments before sitting down with me for countless hours to edit each sentence until it was perfect. She coached me in translating my ideas into writing and was able to rearrange disorganized sentence fragments into clear and flowing paragraphs. The amount of effort and dedication she put into my work was unreal. I honestly have never worked with anyone so committed and anyone would be lucky to have her as a resource.”

— Erica G. (Hunter College ‘19)

“During my interview process I was stumbling to think of questions to ask the interviewers. I came to Sophia for advice on how to approach this situation. I wanted to find a way to better communicate with interviewers. Sophia guided me in the right direction by helping me coming up with questions that really captivate the interviewer and gets their attention. After receiving the proper advice I was able to stand out from the crowd and ask questions that were meaningful. Her recommendations made me confident and prepared for the interview.”

— Michael R. (Baruch College ‘21)

“Sophia has helped me with my LinkedIn profile on numerous occasions. Her beneficial feedback, optimistic mindset, and knowledge is unmatched by any other. Sophia is always the first person I go to when in need of career-related help and I can’t thank her enough for everything she has helped me achieve.”

— Sharon S. (Cornell University ‘23)

“After one sit down with Sophia my entire résumé was restructured and I haven’t touched it since! Very helpful and she knows what she’s doing!!”

— Katerina B. (Baruch College ‘23)