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Setting YOU Up For Success!

Six seconds. That is the average amount of time a recruiter will spend looking at your résumé when deciding which ones to take a closer look at. In the session, Getting Started: Résumé Review, we will walk through your existing version and make sure that your first impression on paper highlights your experiences and communicates your objectives.

Recruiting, both internal and external, has shifted from word-of-mouth to a business network available at your fingertips. In the workshop, Standing Out: LinkedIn, we will deep-dive into how you can maximize your presence on the platform that reaches ~700 million monthly users and attract your target audience by developing meaningful professional connections, writing original content, and expanding on the themes built in your résumé.

You did it! You submitted your applications, and now it’s time to get your foot in the door. During Nailing It: Interview Prep, we will practice tailoring responses to job descriptions and creating unique success stories, in addition to reflecting on what your answers to interview questions say about you. This discussion will be geared towards behavioral interviews, situational interviews, and HR screens.

Feeling stuck? 1:1 Coaching is an informal conversation centered around YOU. As a college student or young professional, it is completely understandable that you may be experiencing feelings of uncertainty and anxiety in an ever-changing world. If there is a mental obstacle that is holding you back from accomplishing a goal, we will work together to support you in finding your own answers.